Miss Bertha Pataky (Introduction by Gina Morse) We were privileged to have Miss Bertha Pataky, our Biology teacher, as our reunion guest of honor. It hardly seems possible, but Miss Pataky is even more beautiful now than she was 50 years ago! (As one of our classmates said, “She’s a “Hottie”!) And what a great sense of humor!!! How she laughed when I told her about our naïve plots to “fix her up” with Joe Albertson! What a bunch of romantics we were! My conversations with “Bert” before the reunion revealed how the faculty felt about our class. I was amazed that she actually recalled many of us! She told me that within a couple of years after our graduation, the faculty was remembering us fondly as the class that was alert, inquisitive, responsive and, despite our occasional “pranks”, one of the most respectful group of students they had. In the 60’s, Miss Pataky said, “pot” and other drugs became prevalent and frequently, students slept in class. Intellectual pursuits were not a priority, and authority was frequently questioned. (It’s nice to be remembered fondly!) I received this letter from Miss Pataky after the reunion: Dear Regina, There are still two daisies left from the lovely flowers you sent home with me. They were a daily reminder of the wonderful reunion you had, and I thank you. I’ve often wondered what had happened to the young people who were in my classes. It was nice to remember a great class of sophomores, and to meet them as a terrific group of adults. The fact that you’ve remained so close to one another delighted me and left me with the proverbial warm glow. Thank you, thank you for inviting me to share in your reunion. I was so happy to chat with all of you and to learn what you have been doing until this time. It was very satisfying to know. Dear Regina, I hope it was as happy an occasion for the class as it was for me. The dinner ran very smoothly and I know how much work went into it, with fine results. You must start working now for the next reunion. It would be hard to beat this one. Please thank everyone for me for their warm reception and kindness to me. I will always remember it. With much love from your old Biology teacher, Bertha Pataky |