See Diane's recent creation here.
After graduation from RHS, I graduated from the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in NYC and was in the theatre for several years. Didn't like that life and went to the Art Students' League while working in NYC for Nelson Rockefeller on the Regional Council. Several years later met my husband out on the island (Tony) we married and had two children (Tom) lives in Bay area and is a Programmer w/his own business. My daughter liz lives in Denver and is a high-powered executrix and runs marathons. My husband worked for many years at TWA (which brought us to Kansas City) until Carl Ichan took over and ruined the co at which time American Airlines bought us out. I attended UMKC University of Missouri at Kansas City where I received my BM in music (I also teach classical piano along w/my artwork). Tony helps me w/all my framing and we travel all over the world each
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This pastel, "Rockport" has been juried into the 78th Grand National Exhibition at the Salmagundi Club in NYC (5th Ave & 10th St) from Oct 31st thru Nov. 10th, 2006. Diane says: "It makes me feel like a New Yorker again!." |
spring...and it's been a great life!

October 2006
Information Found on Diane's Website:: Diane Stolz, KWS MAPS is an award-winning artist and Signature Member of the Kansas Watercolor Society . She has exhibited and won prizes and awards throughout the United States. She has been included in the following Juried shows:

Splish-Splash St. Louis Artists' Guild
American Artist Professional League
Salmungundi Club - Won the Frank C. Wright award in 1999
Capezio Ballet Co. of New York - Purchased work
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Diane works on commission, and prints from photos, still-life, etc. She paints in: Pastels, Watercolor, Acrylic, and Colored Pencil.

Her work is on display at Northland Artist Exposure Gallery in Parkville, Missouri. She also has exhibited her work at Cork Gallery in Lincoln Center in New York, and George Mason University in Arlington Virginia where she was selected to participate in the American Pen Women 2000 Bicentennial Exhibition, Cape Cod Artists Assoc.