""He appears to be shy, but there's mischief in his eye." (Butterworth) |
"Shelly" alias "Cleve" alias "Dimples" . . . mad, mad driver . . . let's see those dimples (cue to blush!) . . . takes everything in (but just sits there!!) . . . "Let's dance!" . . . Where's Ashwick? |
Shelly has homes in Pittsview, AL and Waynesville, NC |

After high school I went to Clarkson University (with Steve Feldman and Tony DiPrima) and continued my strong academic performance graduating with a c plus average. I was married in 1961 and had two children by 1963. I was working in public accounting and going to graduate school at night. In1966 I received an MBA from NYU and passed the CPA exam. I must have found my niche because I graduted NYU with a 3.9 gpa.
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In 1968 we moved to Florida and I became a CFO of a small computer company. We did well with this company and sold it in 1980. I then ran the computer business of the new company for the next ten years which was then sold and I retired.
In the early nineties my wife and I had a simultaneous mid-life crisis and after 30 plus years of marriage we divorced. Our children were in their early thirties and it seemed like the thing to do.I decided to go back to work, helps to pay alimony, and for the next eight or nine years ran three public companies in turn around situations. I retired in 2002 and plan to remain that way.
In 1997 I married my second wife Lynne, a sweet Georgia girl,and after a year of marriage she talked me into buying an old plantation, built in 1837, in south eastern Alabama. Our passion became fixing up this old place and traveling back and forth between Florida and Alabama. Finally after all the recent Florida hurricanes and hot weather in both places we decided to sell our place in Boca Raton, FL and bought a place in the mountains in Waynesville North Carolina.
I now spend most of my time playing golf, three or four times a week, working on various real estare projects and making sure I don"t miss cocktail hour.
P.S. Other stuff I did-trustee of Clarkson University 1988-1993, founder, president and chairman of Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Both my kids were diabetics.
October 2006 |