A few thoughts on where I have been

What can one say when a half a century has passed since leaving Roslyn High School.

I did achieve my career goals as a geologist both in the private sector and in state government. I have discovered and placed into production major mineral deposits of gold, silver, and base metals. As an exploration geologist, my life has been full of adventures throughout North America, Mexico, Spain, Portugal and Australia. For ten years I specialized in Arctic and sub-Arctic exploration - imagine living in tents at 50 degrees F. below zero!
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This picture was taken on a climb to the summit of Vesper Peak in central Cascade Range. I am hauling a lot of gear as I spent three nights up there with camping equipment and rock digging tools (the site is known for garnets). |
Personally, I am still very active camping, backpacking, canoeing, and collecting minerals. Writing is my passion with lots of scientific articles; when I retire, I am hoping to get into fiction.

Politically I have been an independent except my trips to the former Soviet Union where I helped bring down the communist government in Latvia. Currently, since I don’t like what is happening to our country, I have become active at the state level helping to draft Democrat platform positions. There is so much to do, yet!

October, 2006 |