Kathy & Martin 2005
I spent some time today looking at the website – what fun! But what are all those old people doing in my high school??? O.k., o.k., I know --- I have mirrors in my house too!

Thumbnail sketch: Graduated from Denison University as an English major/music minor. Thanks to Dave Benson, I met my husband Donald at the end of our freshman years. (David and Don were frosh roommates) (to quote David: “you can go out with him but you won’t like him!”) And we were married for 35 years before his untimely death in ’97.
Ben, Kathy and Chris, 1988 |
Don and I raised four children: Christopher, Benjamin, Susannah and Rebekah – my worthiest lifetime accomplishment. Sadly, Ben died in a car accident in ’91 – a pain for which there is no comparison.

As a scientist, Don got his Ph.D. (Carnegie Tech) in Pittsburgh and we then moved to Durham (Duke) and from there back to LI (Baldwin) so my kids are Long Islanders as well! Don taught at Adelphi but did research in NMR spectroscopy at Rockefeller University. Since his love was research, he jumped at
Kathy, Beka and Susannah, 2003 |
the chance to come to NIEHS in NC in 1987 and I was just delighted to be back here. While he was at Adelphi, I earned my MBA in management/marketing, played a lot of tennis and sang in choral groups while raising the family!

I managed a symphony and several other music groups for 6 years; ran a collective bargaining office at Adelphi for 10 years, and spent 11 years working as a cancer info specialist for NCI. Now retired from Duke, I am developing a personal assistance service called GOOD RIDDANCE. I can honestly say that my current life is rich and joyful – men, music, travel, and wonderful friends. And that certainly includes many of you from RHS!! I am looking forward to renewing these bonds.
April 2007