So here’s what’s happened over the last 50 years:
After Roslyn High I studied at Penn. My second year roommate was Buddy Kelly. Freddie Wyle was my roommate the 3rd year. Then came a law degree from NYU in 1963. I took the NY Bar in July, 1963, and I married Alice in August.
The picture shows me in the back row on the right. Brian is next to me, and Fred is next to Brian. Michele is holding Emily. Elizabeth is holding Max. Alice and Jake are on the left. The 2003 picture predates Ella, who is now 2 years old. Click on Photo to Enlarge |
After the honeymoon we landed in Washington, D.C., where I worked as a lawyer for the F.C.C. After about a year we returned to NY and not too long after that I took over the family printing business. I commuted from Woodbury LI to Manhattan every day for 25 years. Michele was born in 1966, and Brian was born in 1972.
In 1991 I sold the business and Alice and I moved to Florida. We lived in Coral Springs until 2005, when we moved to Palm Beach Gardens. In 1995 I took the Florida Bar, and was admitted in 1996. I’ve been practicing law, ever since. These days I concentrate mostly on real estate and probate work.
Michele was married to Fredrick Locke about 10 years ago and they have given us two grandchildren, Jacob and Emily. Michele & Fred live near us and are both involved in many aspects of the real estate business.
Joel Wineman and Rich Weinstein, November, 2006. "We first moved "back-to-back" with each other in 1954, and we are still best friends." Click on Phototo Enalrge |
Brian was married about 4 years ago to Elizabeth Harding, and they have given us Max and Ella, and another on the way. They live in Sleepy Hollow, NY. Brian is a partner in the Wall Street law firm of Davis, Polk & Wardwell. Liz is an operating room nurse, but now stays at home to raise their growing family.
November 2006 |