That's pronouced MAHR, you dummy. Well, what can we say about our wise cracking, eraser throwing math teacher who seems to be universally loved by all of our class. We fondly remember his nick names for us: Deadly Dave, Bullet Bill, Big Al (if you have a Meagher nickname please send it to us and we'll add it here). We value his teaching skills that left us, well most of us, prepared for the numerical side of life. And we appreciate him as a fine person who was a part of our coming of age.
Mr. Meagher who is now 92 (as of the September 2007 reunion), is living in Mesilla, New Mexico and very happily married to Mari-Paz, a retired physician from Spain. He has had a number of telephone conversations with Gina and has sent us the following musings. Mr. Meagher, thank you for being there for us - then and now. If you'd like to write to him his address is here.
Dear Esteemed Members of the Class of 1957
and Fellow Faculty Members,
At this juncture I have just passed my 92nd birthday and my attendance at the Reunion is dubious. In the event I can’t attend, I hope you all have a wonderful time and that Roslyn beats Wantagh at the football game Sunday.
Here are a few relevant details which led me along the path to R.H.S.
My mother was my first teacher. She taught me how to add, subtract, multiply and divide, decimals, fractions, mixed numbers and whole numbers between my ages 5 and 7. Each mistake was rewarded with a sharp pinch on my arm. The result of this instruction was a small cardboard American Flag with the date, “April, 1922”, because I was the first in the 2nd grade to master the multiplication tables.
From the moment I entered the 8th grade my high school curricula were in the hands of Ivy Leaguers. My 8th grade science teacher had a Ph.D. in Physics. She rose through the hierarchy of the New Rochelle Public Schools to become the Assistant Superintendent in charge of the curriculum for the whole city. A Brown University graduate, my chemistry teacher had a Sc.D. from the University of Ghent in Belgium. He was fluent in French, English and was an intercollegiate diving champion. My Guidance Counselor was a Dartmouth graduate with a Ph.D. from Yale.
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