

Edmund Meagher 1915-2009 |
Latest classmate communications at the top - read from bottom up if this is your first time seeing this. (Use the scroll bar immediately to the right) |
June 5, 2009 |
Received from Myra Kallen, Class of 1959 |
Enclosed is my contribution to the Edmund L. Meagher Math Prize. He was an inspiration to all. I'm especially grateful for receiving a passing mark in his class!
April 10, 2009 |
These shots received recently from Mr Meagher's wife Mari Paz. (Click on photos to enlarge) |
April 7, 2009 |
Received from Merike Komendant Philips |
Thank you for doing this fund! Mr. Meagher will forever be part of us...
March 27, 2009 |
Received from Eddo Curran: |
Mr. Meagher, perhaps, made the most lasting impression on me than any other teacher at RHS.
His phenomenal expertise as a teacher saw me through two rather "tight spots" during my academic career.

1. As a Plebe at Annapolis I quickly learned that the upper classmen had to back off from hazing a plebe if he were failing a course. (At Annapolis you got bounced out if you failed only one course). Sooooo, I proceeded to intentionally fail in math during the school year.
Only the Final Exam could save me. I needed a 2.55 in the Final Exam to pass the course.
I ended up being one of three in my class who nailed it with a 4.0
Thank you Mr. Meagher!

2. Later on at Columbia University, I was struggling to get a masters degree in a subject for which I had no Bachelors degree (structural engineering).
[You should not try to get away with taking short cuts at a place like Columbia.]
I didn't have enough money to get the prerequisite BS.
Two semesters later I was out of money and no MS in hand.
My academic counselor suggested that if I felt I was strong in math, I take some graduate courses in math.
Three A's later I was awarded the elusive MS degree. Thank you again, Mr. Meagher.
what a teacher!!.

eddo curran
March 23, 2009 |

Dear Classmates,

Several of us were trying to think of a fitting tribute to memorialize our teacher, Mr. Meagher. He was beloved by our class. He was a wonderful teacher and coach.

As you well know, he had a wonderfully dry wit; his classes were punctuated with pithy comments and he had nicknames for many of the boys in his class – “Bullet Bill” and “Deadly Dave” immediately come to mind. I remember my first day in his class. He wrote his name on the blackboard and asked us to say it. That was quickly followed by, “It’s pronounced ‘Mar’, you dummies!, Not ‘Meager’! Remember this!” (We did.) He also had exact aim – he could hit the forehead of anyone not paying attention with a blackboard eraser from anywhere in the classroom! (The girls were exempt from this horseplay.)

Ed’s influence went beyond math, societal comments and observations. A dedicated and devoted teacher, he was a role model for many who pursued careers in mathematics and an example to those of us who had to struggle to afford an education.

Some of you may know he was devout in his faith. If he knew, for certain, that you shared his beliefs, he might show you the rosary in his jacket pocket to let you know he was praying for you – or perhaps, that you needed to pray.

Many of you shared your thoughts about Ed when you received news of his passing. I thought you would like to see some of the responses.
“…he led an interesting and full life and it is undoubtedly time for him to collect his final reward. But this certainly engenders a wistful longing for the wonderful times we spent at Roslyn High School and with Mr. Meagher in specific…”
David (“Deadly Dave”) Benson
“The passing of Mr. Meagher has touched me – especially as I remember him with great fondness. I often remember him calling the society ‘masses of asses’ and that always brought a chuckle to me…”
Marilyn Wakschal Pivnik
“…he enjoyed a full life…he inspired us. He was a mentor to emulate.”
Linda Rosevear Greenberg
“…1957 – 2009. 52 years ago and I still have fond memories. He was a fine teacher. I hope that when I go, a former student of mine will have fond memories as well.”
Richard McGuckin
“…he was very special, not many like him!”
Ann Wood
“This so distresses me. I have to say that he was far and away my favorite and most remembered teacher.”
Bill (“Bullet Bill”) Kirsch
“…This brings back so many fond memories…”
Brian Abbott
“…Mr. Meagher not only was a wonderful teacher, but he is responsible for my career. I often think of him and credit him with so much good that has happened in my life.”
Frank Kelly
I am so very pleased to share a selection of these notes with you, so that you know how much he influenced our young lives and that we enjoyed his wit and respected him as a man and a teacher.

So, how to honor our teacher? Flowers to his wife, Mari Paz, seemed insufficient, and there was no obituary to guide us with a charity. His letter to our class, in which he discussed the teacher who believed in him and had given him money so he could go to college, gave us direction:
To honor his memory and his respect for his teachers, our class will present the Edmund L. Meagher Mathematics Prize to a Class of 2009 Roslyn High School graduate, in financial need, who excels in mathematics and has been accepted to college. It seems a fitting tribute to a great teacher, fondly remembered by the Class of 1957.
Dave Benson has been in touch with the current Roslyn District Mathematics Chair, Steve Weiss. To quote Dave, “…He was enthusiastic about the Edmund L. Meagher math Prize which can be presented at the Roslyn High School Academic & Community Awards Ceremony – 7 pm on June 10th, 2009.”

We are hoping that you will be generous in donating towards this tribute to Mr. Meagher, and ask that you send any amount you can afford. Checks should be made out to David Benson with the notation, “Meagher Math Prize”. Dave’s address is: 9 Collingwood Drive, Dix Hills, NY 11746.

Thank you in advance for being a part of this.
Gina (Zmorzynski) Morse
Dave Benson
Bill Kirsch
Patsy (Sendlenski) Penry
PS: Dave, Bill, Patsy and I have each pledged $100 to get the fund going. Watch the website for the Math Prize Fund progress.
March 5, 2009 |

Dear Classmates,
It is with a heavy heart that I share the following letter from Mari Paz Meagher:
March 1, 2009
Dear Mrs. Morse,

I have received your letter with the poetry that Ed, my husband, asked you to send.
I thank you and perhaps we can say we both thank you.

Ed passed away the 1st of February, '09. It was unexpected. He was bleeding from
the lower intestines and it wasn't known until very late. His heart was failing. Our Scottish friend,
here in Golden Mesa, was interested and your effort has not been lost.

Thank you for being a good friend of my husband. I'm legally blind. Excuse my writing.

Mari Paz Meagher
Mr. Meagher and I have been corresponding and chatting on the phone ever since our class began planning our 50th reunion. He had said, "Don't forget - I will always be your teacher". True to his word, he gave me little assignments each time we spoke. The last was to find the words to "Love's Old Sweet Song", which began, "Just a song at twilight, when the lights are low..." The song is in my head as I write this sad note to you, and it is the "poem" to which Mari Paz refers in her letter. Earlier, he had asked me to print his letter to our class and send him a copy. I know he shared this with his Scottish friend and others. It was the first time he had written about his life. How nice that our class was the catalyst for this "tome" as it gave him so much pleasure! (Ed's letter is on our website.)

Mr. Meagher loved that our class remembered him so fondly and it was a source of pride and contentment that we regarded him as a good teacher. I miss him already. - Gina |
RHS57.org |
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